Monday, September 16, 2024

ESH: Angie D (33 Years)

Angie D is telling her story at the "We Are Not Saints" Convention held in Matteson Illinois in February of 1999. Angie is from Blythe California, she got sober in 1966. I have had other speaks by Angie on the podcast and she always delivers a message of depth with a good bit of self-deprecating humor. 2 East Coast Events coming up: The 70th Annual Tri-State Assembly held in Chautauqua New York. Details: and The 35th Mackinac Island Fall Weekend Retreat. Details: Event List: Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box. Sober Cast has 2700+ episodes available, visit to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

from Sober Cast: AA Speaker Meetings - 12-Step Recovery

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