Sunday, June 23, 2024

A New Pair of Glasses: Chuck C (Part 5 of 6)

I have had a number of requests to repost the speaks that became the book "A New Pair of Glasses". I originally posted this series in 2017, after 2600 Sober Cast episodes I am a bit better at audio cleanup, so I have gone back through and reworked the files a bit to improve the quality. Part 5 of 6. Chuck C. was born in 1902, and got sober in A.A. in January 1946. In these 1975 recordings of Chuck C. at the Pala Mesa Men's Retreat, Chuck shares his experience, strength and hope about recovering from alcoholism. He tells how he recovered from being a "tongue-chewing, babbling idiot drunk". The Pala Mesa Men's Retreat had 64 AA men attending, these recording were made by one of these men on a small tape recorder, and the recording quality isnt fantastic but it is listenable. This series of talks was eventually transcribed into the book "A New Pair Of Glass" The book is still available if you would like a copy I just added 4 new events to the event list. The 47th Annual Cornhusker Roundup being held in Omaha Nebraska in mid August. Details: The Redwood Coast Roundup being held in early August in Fortuna Calif. Details: The 18th Annual Mountain AA Conference held in Big Bear Lake California in the middle of August. Details: The Sever cAAmpvention held in Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom at the beginning of September (this one looks like a lot of fun). Details: If you have any AA or Al-Anon event coming up let me know I am happy to help get the word out. Support Sober Cast: Email: Roundup, retreat, convention or workshop coming up? List the event on the Sober Cast website. Visit the link above and look for "Submit Your Event" in the blue box. Sober Cast has 2600+ episodes available, visit to access all the episodes where you can easily find topics or specific speakers using tags or search.

from Sober Cast: AA Speaker Meetings - 12-Step Recovery

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