from Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Recovery News | Resources – The Fix
Perhaps you’ve dabbled with alcohol-free living, on and off.
Maybe you spend a lot of time thinking about stopping.
You love the idea of waking up hangover free… and you know you’ll sleep better, look better, feel great and save tons of money.
You know you need to do something… and yet the moment never feels quite right.
This video is all about finding the right time to quit drinking:
Key points:
Logically, we all know this, because life is messy. But when we’re about to do something new and out of our comfort zone, it’s easy to drift back into waiting for the ‘right time’ to come along.
We can’t always control our circumstances, but we can control our attitude, our actions and the perspective we choose. It’s the way you interpret what’s happening around you that really matters.
For every person who thinks a global pandemic is a terrible time to quit drinking, someone else will look at the same situation and decide it’s the perfect moment. It’s all about perspective – so why not choose one that moves you forward?
It’s easy to romanticise how things were before or how much easier things might be in the future. But the reality is that there will always be something. If you look for it, you’ll always be able to find a reason why now isn’t the right time.
Ultimately, if your drinking is making you miserable, or you’re worried about it, then this is the right time. And the secret to success? Start before you’re ready.
If you’d love some help and support to quit drinking, click here for details of my online course.
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The post When Is The Right Time To Quit Drinking? appeared first on The Sober School.
Maybe you’re convinced that if only you were stronger, you’d be able to ‘control’ alcohol a bit better.
Perhaps you’ve confided in someone about your drinking, only for them to turn round and say, “Well – why don’t you just stop at one?”
This stuff can leave you feeling as if your drinking is a personal failing and weakness.
I get it. It’s a horrible place to be.
But you aren’t weak at all. I explain why in this video:
Key points:
If you’re reading this, I’d put money on the fact that you are smart, motivated and driven. You’re juggling many competing demands, between family life, work and the fallout from the coronavirus.
You have to be a strong person to make all that stuff happen whilst feeling hungover and pretending to feel absolutely fine.
Alcohol is a mind-altering, addictive drug which is normalised, glamorised and often presented as the solution to all your problems, and completely essential to a full and happy life.
It’s completely normal – and predictable – to become dependent on an addictive drug that is repeatedly presented to you in the most flattering and appealing way.
Let’s be clear: grit and determination will only get you so far. Long term, happy sobriety is about much more than willpower – it’s about doing the right mindset work.
If you want sobriety to feel less like a punishing diet and more like an empowering way of life, you have to examine the benefits of drinking. Is alcohol genuinely doing everything you think it is? (Hint: it’s not).
The real work of sobriety is looking at why you want to numb out in the first place. Why do you want to escape your life? Why do you want to do that on a very average Monday night?
Focusing on this is much more helpful than clinging on to a story – and it is just a story – that you are weak and broken and there’s something wrong with you.
If you’d love some help and support to quit drinking, click here for details of my online course.
(It’ll help keep you on track tonight)
As well as the guide, we’ll also send you helpful and inspiring weekly emails with free resources, tips & advice, plus details of our awesome products and services. We’ll take care of your data in accordance with our privacy policy and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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The post You Aren’t Weak, Broken Or Lacking Willpower appeared first on The Sober School.